Overview of education in Iceland

This overview should give you an idea of the structure of the education system. Please note that this is list is not exhaustive and explanations of studies are short and based on official data.

The size of the boxes does not reflect the length or scope of the studies. Further explanations can be found in the laws and regulations of the relevant study programmes or official information on the website of the relevant institutions.

Also keep the Icelandic Competence Framework in mind, where you can see examples of graduation and degrees according to competence levels.

Formal secondary school and university system

Lifelong learning courses – General and job-related
University-level doctorate
University-level master’s degree
Diploma studies at a master’s level – Additional diploma
Bachelor’s degree at university level
Diploma studies at university level
Additional upper secondary studies – Vocational university
Academic studies for the matriculation examination
Upper secondary school

Trade and vocational studies for professional qualifications

Studies outside the formal school system

Preparatory departments for university studies – General
Continuing education
Certified study programme
Continuing education
Certified study programme
Job-related study programme
Folk high school
Icelandic as a second language
Lifelong learning courses – General and job-related