Evaluation of studies from abroad

Recognition of study/specialization in the Icelandic labor market

Recognition of a regulated profession and issuance of a work permit is extremely important for foreign workers who come to Iceland and want to work in their profession and have their studies and work experience valued.

Assessment of studies

Individuals who have studied in universities abroad have the possibility of having their qualifications recognized in Iceland. Requests for evaluation of academic foreign studies are managed by the Icelandic ENIC/NARIC Information Center at the University of Iceland (e. academic recognition).
See more information here.

Assessment of professional qualifications

If the purpose is to obtain recognition of professional qualifications in the field of a legally regulated profession, the applicant must apply to the appropriate competent authority in Iceland. More information can be found on the Europass in Iceland website here.

It is important that information on the evaluation of studies and/or work permits is accessible and that foreign workers can obtain the appropriate work permits, if they so request.

Regulations on the recognition of professional qualifications and qualifications for employment in Iceland can be accessed here. Regulation on the recognition of professional qualifications for working in Iceland no. 477/2020.

See the European Self-Assessment Framework here.