News - 28.04.2023
1 May 2023
VR encourages all members to participate in the rally and outdoor meetings on International Workers´ Day on 1 May.
VR Family Run at Klambratún
In Reykjavík, we start the day at 11:30 at Klambratún, with a light jog and festivities for the whole family, hosted by Jónsi from the band Í Svörtum fötum. Jónsi and Leikhópurinn Lotta will warm us up for the Family Run, a 1.5 km route around Klambratún. Participation is free and all participants receive a medal.
Celebs from the Eurovison Song Contest perform, Alda María teaches kid zumba and the Icelandic circus will stop by. We will offer hot dogs, Bulsur (vegan „hot dogs”), soda and juice.
VR´s Labour Day coffee and rally in Reykjavík
After our family gathering at Klambratún, we will march with Jónsi and the Workers´ Marching Band towards Skólavörðuholt where we will meet up with the other unions for the march which starts at 13:30. The march takes us to Ingólfstorg, where the rally will be held.
At 14:30, VR invites all members to the union´s annual Labour Day coffee in the lobby of Laugardalshöll.
Click here to view information on 1 May in other VR areas.