Grants from the Sick Pay Fund

Members can apply to the VR Sick Pay Fund due to in vitro fertilization and travel costs. For further information, see regarding the grants here below. Note that grants from the Sick Pay Fund are not provided for physical exercise (see about VR Contingency Fund).

Receipt of payment must accompany an application and can be up to 12 months old. Receipt of payment must carry a stamp of the respective company as well as the name and of the member.

Payments from the fund are generally taxable and the taxes are deducted from the amount prior to payment. The taxation is taken out of the grant amount from the VR Sick Pay Fund according to tax level 1. We want to point out to members who have high costs due to sickness, that they can apply for a decrease of taxation to Commissioner of the Inland Revenue. - See here for further details.

Grants due to in vitro fertilization

VR provides its full members with a grant due to in vitro fertilization / artificial insemination and adoption. The maximum grant is 250.000 IKR for each member, payments for membership must have been made for 6 consecutive months prior to the initial date of treatment applied for. The grant can be used only once for each VR member.

Grants due to travel costs

In the case of VR members being referred by a doctor in a health care center to specialist services, or for tests or operations domestically but outside of a medical district (minimum 50 km) and payments for travel costs are not provided by the Icelandic Health Insurance, the Sick Pay Fund reimburses the member’s travel costs as well as his accompanying person if a doctor considers him/her necessary and because of a member’s child and a child’s accompanying person, the maximum of 150.000 IKR for each member per calendar year.

An application must be accompanied by a letter of rejection of travel costs by the Icelandic Health Insurance, a doctor’s confirmation of appointment, receipt for fare, if the fare is by own car, it is paid per the Icelandic Health Insurance rules of calculation.

VR Contingency Fund

VR members have access to their own fund, the VR Contingency Fund. The VR Contingency Fund combines rights which were in various funds before, into one fund and offers members the possibility of utilizing the fund with more flexibility than before.