The VR Sick Pay Fund pays benefits due to accidents during leisure time. In the case of temporary disability, per diem payments are paid (see about sickness per diem payments).
Accident benefits are not paid if benefits are received from elsewhere due to statutory reliability insurance (due to accidents caused by motorized vehicles).
In the case of permanent disability due to an accident during leisure time, benefits are paid in proportion to the benefits’ amount 11.859.000 IKR, however in the way that each disability level 26%-50% works as double and each disability level from 51%-100% works as quadruple.
Accident benefits from July 1st, 2015.
The VR Sick Pay Fund provides benefits due to accidents during leisure time. In the case of temporary disability, per diem payments are made (see about sickness per diem payments). Accident benefits are not paid if benefits are received from elsewhere due to statutory reliability insurance (due to accidents caused by motorized vehicles).
In the case of permanent disability due to accidents, benefits are paid in proportion to the benefit amount 11,859,000 kr, however in the way that each disability level 26%-50% works as double and each disability level from 51%-100% works as quadruple.
A decision was made to pay, from July 1st, 2015, accident benefits only for permanent disability beyond 10% but prior to this, payments were made due to all disability. This is done because disability which is assessed under 10% is in general basically not much of a hindrance from working for most people and the objective of this article is of course first and foremost to be able to pay those who deal with disability that hinders them from participating in the work market. With these modifications, it is therefore possible to pay a higher amount to those who need the payments the most and it therefore also increases the basis of the benefit amount to 11,859,000 kr.
Example of accident benefit calculations
Each level on the scale of 0-25% gives 95,180 kr.
Benefits due to 25% disability will be 25 x 95,180 kr. = 2,379,500 kr.
Each level on the scale of 51-100% gives 380,720 kr.
Benefits due to 40% disability will be 25 x 95,180 IKR. + 15 x 190,360 kr. = 5,234,900 kr.
Each level on the scale of 51-100% gives 380,720 kr.
Benefits due to 100% disability will be 25 x 95,180 kr. + 25 x 190,360 kr. + 50 x 380,720 kr. = 26,174,500 kr.