Vr Fanar Kringlan 2

News - 21.03.2024

VR´s collective agreements approved

The results of the voting among members of VR on the newly concluded collective agreements with the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise (SA) and The Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA) are now available.

VR's collective agreement with SA was approved with 78.56% of votes cast in the ballot which ended at 12:00 noon today, 5485 VR members voted yes and 1325 voted no or 18.98% while 172 or 2.46% voted to abstain. There were 39.639 VR members on the electoral register for the agreement between VR and SA and 6982 voted or 17.61%.

VR's collective agreement with FA was approved with 80.12% of votes, 262 VR members voted yes and 60 voted no or 18.35% while 5 or 1.53% voted to abstain. There were 1242 VR members on the electoral register for the agreement between VR and FA and 327 voted or 26.33%.

The voting was electronic on vr.is and took place 18 – 21 March 2024.