Selma Björk Grétarsdóttir

Date of birth
28 April 1971

Area of operation
Reykjavík and environs

Workplace, job title and education
I am a travel consultant at Air Atlanta and have been for 14 years. I was previously with Ferðaskrifstofa Íslands and before that with Icelandair.
I attended Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð, Iðnskólinn í Reykjavík and then studied Travel Counselling at Ferðamálaskóli Íslands, but I have also attended various courses over the years at NTV, Amadeus, etc.


Experience in community engagement

I have been a member of VR all these years, a Shop Steward of Air Atlanta since 2012 and a member of the VR Consultative Council since 2014. I have also attended several ASÍ Assemblies and the National Tradesmen Assembly on behalf of VR. I have always been very interested in social issues.

I have been on the Board of VR since 2020 and been Vice-Chairman of VR since 2023.

Main focuses

I believe it is important that members of VR are aware of their rights and the services that VR has to offer, improve the interests of members, as well as improve the wage terms of members so that members can enjoy and make ends meet from their wages.
I would like to see members’ disposable income become good enough that people can make ends meet and live well on their disposable income, as well as being able to pursue their interests and enjoy life.

I have long been very interested in wage issues and therefore want to participate in improving members’ wage terms and increasing the purchasing power of all of us, as well as finding a solution to the housing problem of many VR members.